(419) 989-3090
Brand Building Strategies: On Target /On Budget / On Purpose

Small Business can be Lonely
You know what you want to do, and maybe need a hand to get there. But the more success you need, the more people want to charge you for it. Are you looking for a marketing professional who is on your side? And only your side?
Yes, Marketing costs Money.
But...it doesn't have to cost a TON of money, and it doesn't have to be out of reach. Smart small businesses can take advantage of smart marketing strategies and tools, without over kill, without over spend, and without settling for less.
Maybe you can't afford a Team
But you can afford me. In my 32 years in the Sales and Marketing world, I've learned that it's not about what I sell. And it's not about how much I sell it for. It's about your success. I believe helping you to your success can be mutually beneficial. And that's good enough for me.

You don't want to Buy Advertising
You want results. You want return. Just like when you buy a hammer and a nail. What you really want is a picture hanging on the wall. It's results you're looking for.

Your Risk should not equal someone else's Gain.
A return on investment doesn't require patience and time. And it doesn't require a huge investment. If it's going to work, it should work. Period.

There's no Money Tree in the Backyard
You can afford to do the right thing. But you can't afford to do everything. You're ready to grow, but you've got to do it on purpose.  And you've got to do it cost effecively

Strategy and Consultation
The first meeting is free. Tell me your goals, I'll come up with a plan to take you there. Maybe you won't like it. Maybe you'll want to do it yourself. Maybe you'll want to hire me to help. It's Win/Win. I've been doing this for 32 years, and maybe I can help.

Anything to do with a Microphone
My passion. I love to write and record audio ads, do podcasts, voiceovers and more. I love to do them so much that I don't charge too much for these services. Get your message in their ears, on Radio, Video, Spotify and Podcasts. They'll want to hear more.

Digital Marketing Content
Your customers will want to know more, and they'll go online to do it. I don't build websites, but I can get your customers there. Webpages and blogs, social media and search, targeted posts and news. Let's find more eyeballs with the appetites for what you do.

Sales Coaching
Tell me your issues. Let's compare notes. I've been in the Sales world for 32 years. You might say I've learned a thing or two. If you are going to invest in marketing let's make sure the sales team is prepared to close the opportunities. After all, isn't that why we are doing all of this in the first place?
Foundational. Non Negotiable. Personal.
1). Success is Mutually Beneficial. Our success will not come before or at the expense of our clients.
2). Trust has no degrees. We will earn and deserve our clients total trust. There is no "Try". There is only "Do".
3). Promises are binding commitments. Make them wisely.
4). Do the Next Right Thing.
5). We are unapologetically Win/Win. It's "Good for You" and "Good for Me"...or it's "No Good".
6). "Give an Extra Scoop" - Dad. (Ask me about this one!)
7). Seek Joy, Be Present, Be Content and Trust in God. The rest will take care of itself.

"Fewer Clients. Less Money. More Heart"
- Jerry Maguire
Ok, I realize that sentence got Jerry Maguire fired. But it worked out ok for him. And it works for me.
If you value a one to one, personal approach, receiving simple to understand marketing advice, in your best interest at a fair price...you and I might be a fit! I'm not trying to get rich. I'm trying to help. And I believe your success is mutually beneficial to me.
I have a unique background that can help you get results. Twenty years in the radio industry taught me how to get your customers to pay attention to you in spite of the noise. Twelve more years in the digital marketing industry taught me how important targeted marketing is to your success, and how tracking results means everything.
With Bryan Media, I am putting all of that experience to work for you. It's just me, and it's just you. Let's get to work.
For more information about what I do at Bryan Media, or if you'd like to learn about being a guest on the Purpose Under Pressure podcast, reach out and let's set a time to talk.
(419) 989-3090